Stay Alert this Holiday Season

It should go without saying that when it comes to cybersecurity, if you use a computer or mobile device, you shouldn’t let your guard down this holiday season. Unfortunately, when it comes fighting to be the first who gets the new Sony PS5 or Apple Air Pods Max, sometimes commonsense goes out the window. Add a global pandemic, which has consumed everyone’s attention, and it’s no surprise why personal privacy and cybersecurity are not a focus or priority.

With more people working remotely and companies extending their networks to home offices around the world, nefarious practitioners have also shifted their focus. Again, no surprise that the response of businesses to send people home because of COVID-19, created a gap in cybersecurity, forcing organizations to invest even more time and resources in protective measures. In addition, phishing emails related to COVID-19 have surged, along with scams and attacks related to stimulus payments.

One editor wrote, “Ask almost anyone what the top global story was for 2020, and they will likely start with the COVID-19 pandemic. But there is much more to this story.

“2020 will also be remembered as the year that security events exploded and cyber incidents transformed society in numerous ways.”

So, as we head into and slowly out of the most vulnerable time of the year, pay a little more attention to what website you are sharing your personal information with, and what email you are responding to. As you focus on taking care of your personal health and doing your part to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus, consider your approach to cybersecurity and do your best to avoid falling victim to or spreading digital viruses as well.