Leading Barracuda RMM will release 12 SP5 MR1

We will be releasing Barracuda RMM 12 SP5 MR1 to our cloud instances starting on January 31, 2022. This release includes an enhancement to view automated task results and necessary security updates. To ensure our partners are protected, we have updated our third-party dependencies. It is required for all partners to update to this Maintenance Release as soon as possible.

NOTE: After you update the Maintenance Release, please ensure your Onsite Managers and Device Managers for Windows and Mac, as well as your Office 365 and VMWare Service Modules, are updated. These two Service Modules must be updated to the latest version to work with this Maintenance Release.

A maintenance window is required for this upgrade during which all services will be unavailable. Please plan accordingly using the schedule outlined below.

Barracuda Cloud Maintenance Window
US07 Friday, February 4 from 0000 – 0200 UTC-0500

This is a tech dashboard with more scripts to utilize for all your clients. Pricing is monthly no contracts and more aggressive then mainline products. Migration has no conflicts with other providers. Remote Support is a true point to point