CISA say beware and alert with Goolge and Microsoft


CISA Recommends Organizations Update to the Latest Version of Google Chrome
Google last week reported seven vulnerabilities in the browser, four of which it rated as high severity.
CISA: Flaws Allow Attackers to Take Control of Affected Systems

The US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency (CISA) Friday urged users and administrators to update to a new version of Chrome that Google released last week to fix a total of seven vulnerabilities in its browser.

In an advisory, Google described four of the flaws — three of which were reported to the company by external researchers — as presenting a high risk for organizations. The company said it had decided to restrict access to bug details until most users have updated to the new version of Chrome (102.0.5005.115).

Microsoft Releases June 2022 Security Updates
06/14/2022 02:53 PM EDT

Original release date: June 14, 2022

Microsoft has released updates to address multiple vulnerabilities in Microsoft software. An attacker can exploit some of these vulnerabilities to take control of an affected system.

CISA encourages users and administrators to review Microsoft’s June 2022 Security Update Summary and Deployment Information and apply the necessary updates.

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Roy Miehe | MspPortal Partners Inc. | Ceo/President

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