
Bitdefender Update

This update is a direct message from Roy Miehe, CEO of MspPortal Partners, addressing Managed Service Providers (MSPs). Here are the key points covered:

1. **Beware of AI Technology**: Roy warns MSPs about the rapid advancements in AI, particularly its ability to simplify tasks like writing PowerShell scripts. While this may seem like a positive development, the implication is that AI could affect the income of MSPs by automating tasks that once required specialized skills.

2. **Limited Product Recommendations**: The message advises MSPs to focus on a small selection of essential cybersecurity products, which MspPortal endorses:
– **Firewall**: Meraki is recommended as a reliable, moderately priced solution compared to Palo Alto Networks.
– **Antivirus/Malware Detection**: Bitdefender is praised for being a leader in malware detection.
– **Spam Detection**: Barracuda is recommended for spam detection and remote monitoring solutions.
– **RMM (Remote Monitoring and Management)**: Barracuda’s RMM solution is suggested as a reliable, long-standing option.
– **Anti-Phishing Training**: Phishing Box is suggested as a trusted provider for large corporations.

3. **Cost Efficiency**: MspPortal claims that all these services can be bundled for under $6.50 per month, with flat-rate pricing and no contracts, making it an affordable solution for both workstations and servers.

4. **Support and Expertise**: MspPortal offers 24/7/365 support at no extra charge, with a team that brings 30 years of experience in the industry. The emphasis is on service and technical skills, which they believe will help MSPs survive in the evolving tech landscape.

The message is a call to action, encouraging MSPs to adapt to the changing landscape, focus on essential services, and trust in MspPortal’s offerings to keep their businesses profitable.

Roy Miehe | MspPortal Partners Inc. | Ceo/President
Security Software Distributor: Bitdefender , Barracuda, Phishing Simulation & Cyber Security Training
“Where Service and Technical Skills Count”

RansomHub Ransomware Using Multiple Techniques To Disable EDR And Antivirus , Plus Bonus

By Guru Baran –
September 23, 2024

The Infection Chain Of The RansomHub Utilizing EDRKillShifte (This makes me nervous for for weak Networks and great Security Products in place)

“The EDRKillShifter tool functions as a “loader” executable, serving as a delivery mechanism for a legitimate driver that is susceptible to abuse to terminate applications related to antivirus solutions”, researchers said.

The RansomHub ransomware exploits the Zerologon vulnerability (CVE-2020-1472). Researchers said that if left unpatched, it might allow attackers to take over a whole network without requiring authentication.

In a particular instance, RansomHub used for batch script files—named “232.bat,” “tdsskiller.bat,” “killdeff.bat,” and “LogDel.bat”—as a form of evasion.

232.bat turns off Windows Defender’s real-time monitoring capability and uses a brute-force attack method called password spraying.

A batch script called tdsskiller.bat is used to disable antivirus software. Killdeff.bat uses advanced methods to hide notifications and enable or disable Windows Defender’s functionality, including obfuscated inline expressions, environment-variable readings, and conditional logic.

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Must Read Article
Kaspersky deletes itself, installs UltraAV antivirus without warning: UltraAV force-installed on Kaspersky users’ PCs
By Sergiu Gatlan
September 23, 2024 01:16 PM
Article (

Roy Miehe | MspPortal Partners Inc. | Ceo/President
Security Software Distributor: Bitdefender , Barracuda, Phishing Simulation & Cyber Security Training
“Where Service and Technical Skills Count”

“Should MSPs manage antivirus (AV) products separately from RMM software?

Improved Prompt Example: “Should MSPs manage antivirus (AV) products separately from RMM software? Many MSPs and CTOs try to manage everything in one platform, but I believe this leads to reduced quality in both support and security. RMM software was designed for remote management, but investor pressure has caused it to integrate AV products, which leads to issues like lack of third-level support.Along misconfiguration

A recent Crowdstrike issue involving a sys file was worsened by delivery mechanisms from Microsoft and Cloudflare. EULAs are often written to discourage lawsuits rather than compensate users for developer errors.

As a distributor of security products like Bitdefender and Barracuda, MspPortal Partners provides comprehensive support. We believe in training partners properly to manage AV and Mail solutions effectively, and our 24/7 support service sets us apart.”

Roy Miehe | MspPortal Partners Inc. | Ceo/President
Security Software Distributor: Bitdefender , Barracuda, Phishing Simulation & Cyber Security Training
“Where Service and Technical Skills Count”


Are industrywide claims of cybersecurity as a board-level discussion little more than lip service to stakeholders?

COMMENTARY; By Roy Miehe and Raja Mukerji

No organization is immune to today’s looming cybersecurity threats. Whether a large enterprise or a small business, building proactive defenses is critical to day-to-day functions. It’s just as essential to manage cyber-risks as it is to manage other business risks, since successful attackers have the power to financially cripple businesses, damage reputation, and affect continuity.

Amid today’s rising threats — from ransomware and data breaches to the impact of geopolitical and nation-state threats — true cyber preparedness requires the right internal collaboration and tools to bolster business resilience. The responsibility for managing cyber-risk is a collective effort, and everyone plays a role — especially the C-suite.

Are industrywide claims of cybersecurity as a board-level discussion little more than lip service to stakeholders?

My personally comment; MspPortal Partners Inc
Managing over 420 MSP Partners and over 4000 firms amongst them, It is imperative that MspPortal Partners offer best of breed Security Solutions
Firewall Solution on premise
Email Protection (Phishing Malware, detection even phishing training, Backup O365 and GSuite
AntiMalware protection that techs can control, Not like Crowdstrike nor Sentinal One,
that caused one of the biggest tech issue’s/breach over a sys file update, that was distributed by Microsoft and Cloudfare.

AND certainly not Symantec nor many startups trying to capture market share with out world like experience let alone providing service and Tech Support via Phone Support. C-Suite are paid way to much for being actors and politics with little or no knowledge of Real Company Security.

MspPortal Partners, does no advertising, has not moved our prices up since we reduced them at the beginning of COVID. We only carry 5 products on we can provide level 3 support if needed..most cases are level 1. In most cases we are smarter then the product manufacturers techs

Long Short please do not allow salespeople convince you that there product is better even over pricing;  RMM’s are now the leading issue of distributing malware with bad API Hooks beside being over priced and understaffed.

Roy Miehe | MspPortal Partners Inc. | Ceo/President
Security Software Distributor: Bitdefender , Barracuda, Phishing Simulation & Cyber Security Training
“Where Service and Technical Skills Count”

Market share held by the leading computer (desktop/tablet/console) operating systems worldwide from January 2012 to February 2024

Long Short if the statics are correct 68.15 percent of the world uses Microsoft OS’s

Published by
Ahmed Sherif,
May 22, 2024

Microsoft’s Windows is the most widely used computer operating system in the world, accounting for 68.15 percent share of the desktop, tablet, and console OS market in February 2024. Apple’s macOS ranks as the next most widely used operating system, while its iOS mobile operating system, the standard installation on all iPad devices, ranks fourth. Linux OS versions serve as the primary option for users who prefer open-source software and intend to avoid the influence of major OS developers.
Operating Systems

Operating systems serve as the underlying platforms which connect computer hardware and software. They provide users with the graphical interface through which they issue commands and perform tasks on electronic devices. Billions of people make use of these devices and their operating systems on a regular basis, meaning that the companies that develop these widely used technologies have a great deal of influence on the daily lives of internet users around the world. Although Microsoft Windows is the clear leader in terms of desktop operating systems,


Which we are and still are dealing with having even more security issue’s because the CrowdStrike  debacle
Based upon what I do for a living I see more Large Mega Cap Firms down to SMB firms struggling more then ever before.

Personally some attorney with a class action filed should request a huge Liquidated damages (LDs): Which is a sum of money specified in some contracts that are to be paid by one party to another as compensation for intangible losses.

Hopefully this will put huge firms like Crowdstrike, Microsoft, Cloudflare all on notice,if you are going to take money from clients/enduser you are responsible for damages and please do not try to hide behind a EULA..I still have not heard back about how many techs Crowdstrike or Microsoft were sending over to Delta Airlines,considering each machine had to be touched and continue to be touched since you cannot write a Power Shell Script nor remote to a machine, that is Blue Screened (BOD). There has been a lot of LIP SERVICE

Roy Miehe | MspPortal Partners Inc. | Ceo/President
Security Software Distributor: Bitdefender , Barracuda, Phishing Simulation & Cyber Security Training
“Where Service and Technical Skills Count

Continued from July 19th 3 Cause’s of the Crowdstrike down in reality

Keep in mind this is my personal opinion..please prove me wrong if you can.

3 Cause’s of the CrowdStrike down
1) Bad Developer file uploaded/downloaded
2) Microsoft Software runs the operating systems sort of like a monopoly, we all know it in reality it is.
3) Distribution of software via Cloudflare

Keep in mind this is my personal opinion..please prove me wrong if you can.

I read something today that shocked me. CloudStrike was going pay techs globally $10.00 coffee vouchers to remove sys file issue. I work with four hundred plus tech firms through out the US I have never heard of a computer Tech working for a $10.00 coffee voucher.
Normal Tech rates run from entry level $50.00 to $500.00 a hour.

(Bloomberg) — Microsoft Corp. said Delta Air Lines Inc. turned down repeated offers for assistance following last month’s catastrophic system outage, echoing claims by CrowdStrike Holdings Inc. in an increasingly contentious conflict between the carrier and its technology partners.
Now I am not a strong proponent of Ed Bastien (to full of himself) nor do I fly Delta.

If read/sift through all the garbage it really was all 3 firms that caused the outage.
No matter what OS Delta was running, Windows, Apple, Linux, The Falcon Platform runs on all 3. So in my opinion Delta does deserve the money for the down time.

Even thou in my opinion Mark S Cheffo when :“Even though Microsoft’s software had not caused the CrowdStrike incident, Microsoft immediately jumped in and offered to assist Delta at no charge,” I did not hear they were going to fly Techs to fix all Delta’s machines, for that matter globally let alone Delta

When does a end user or SMB company ever able to talk to Microsoft Support and receive a response within a reasonable amount of time?

So right now I see 2 parties at fault (Microsoft & CroudStrike)
But there is a 3rd party involved, CloudFlare, have you ever asked yourself what they do:Protecting it from online threats and optimizing performance there web Site.

Cloudflare is a company that provides services like content delivery network (CDN), cloud cybersecurity, DDoS mitigation, Domain Name Service (DNS), and domain registration. They help improve website speed, security, and reliability by acting as a mediator between a website’s server and its visitors, protecting it from online threats and optimizing performance.

American internet infrastructure and website security company

Cloudflare, Inc. is an American company that provides content delivery network services, cloud cybersecurity, DDoS mitigation, Domain Name Service, and ICANN-accredited domain registration services. Cloudflare’s headquarters are in San Francisco, California. According to The Hill, Cloudflare is used by more than 20% of the Internet for its web security services, as of 2022. Wikipedia

Now all this is my opinion but should help create and finish a Class Action Law Suit, all 3 need to named as defendants.

Last Pay Your developers and Tech Support folks more money, Take it out of the C-Levels paychecks/bonuses. It appears that most firms have forgotten with out staff the company would be nothing.

Roy Miehe | MspPortal Partners Inc. | Ceo/President
Security Software Distributor: Bitdefender , Barracuda, Phishing Simulation & Cyber Security Training
“Where Service and Technical Skills Count”

Bitdefender loaded a bad file so in most case if you look at this it will of a issue

To all my partners login to Gravity Zone and review but it is easier to look at  say multiple desktops (Show)

The error is this: ( even though  you are a partner please take the time to do random check on your clients IMPORTANT) I have already reported it to Romania

Update Process Failed because the endpoint could not resolve the update server address Please contact your system administrator. Error-1002

For at least the time being go to the dashboard and grab all the systems on line and run a UPDATE task that will for the time being bring it back on line and clean.

One last thing Bitdefender uses O365 and the case if you are as concerned about security as myself I use GEO blocking globally except the US please start using to protect your clients, for the time being until Bitdefender fixs the issue mail will at best be random but your client will be protected.

In my mail filter product we can activate for you.

If you are struggling with your RMMs system lack of support come on board as a partner

Roy Miehe | MspPortal Partners Inc. | Ceo/President

Security Software Distributor: Bitdefender , Barracuda, Phishing Simulation & Cyber Security Training

“Where Service and Technical Skills Count”


Bitdefender Changes access to Power user

Bitdefender recently made major changes to the Power User capability, and the main driver for this change is security. The 3rd party technology we use for PowerUser could pose some security risks in the future, and we had to act quickly to mitigate those risks. Also, the latest version of the technology is not compatible with any operating system before Windows 10, which does not fall in line with our target to offer backward compatibility.

Therefore, we’ve decided to provide a change which will let us continue PowerUser for all the supported operating systems. The new CLI will help us provide a lighter agent footprint, and much more precise control of all modules going forward.

We are currently working on adding new commands in PowerUser ComandLine to support additional actions and we plan to expend its coverage as we move forward.
Considering the feedback we recently received from some of our customers and partners, we also plan to release example scripts in our documentation, and allow the use of our existing Power User capability. It will be accessible only by running the process EPPowerConsole.exe directly, and it will be limited to Windows 10 and above operating systems.

An important project we have ongoing right now is the development of a new BEST GUI, which will offer some of the Power User capabilities in the endpoint GUI.
We aim to introduce as many settings as possible going forward on this new UI and CLI. Your feedback is most welcome, as it will determine what options will be available in the upcoming BEST GUI.”

I spoke to a nice gentleman in Romaina (BD Head Quarters, and he stated it had changed to only getting to it: By following these steps Windows/program Files/Bitdefender/endpoint security/ run as admin EPPowerConsole.exe-> then put the password in to bring up the UI. A little painful but secure

Roy Miehe | MspPortal Partners Inc. | Ceo/President
Security Software Distributor: Bitdefender , Barracuda, Phishing Simulation & Cyber Security Training
“Where Service and Technical Skills Count”

ConnectWise ScreenConnect Mass Exploitation Delivers Ransomware

Hundreds of initial access brokers and cybercrime gangs are jumping on the max-critical CVE-2024-1709 authentication bypass, threatening orgs and downstream customers.
BY Tara Seals, Managing Editor, News, Dark Reading February 23, 2024

Just days after initial exploitation reports started rolling in for a critical security vulnerability in the ConnectWise ScreenConnect remote desktop management service, researchers are warning that a supply chain attack of outsized proportions could be poised to erupt.

Once the bugs are exploited, hackers will gain remote access into “upwards of ten thousand servers that control hundreds of thousands of endpoints,” Huntress CEO Kyle Hanslovan said in emailed commentary, opining that it’s time to prepare for “the biggest cybersecurity incident of 2024.”

ScreenConnect can be used by tech support and others to authenticate to a machine as though they were the user. As such, it could allow threat actors to infiltrate high-value endpoints and exploit their privileges.

Even worse, the application is widely used by managed service providers (MSP) to connect to customer environments, so it can also open the door to threat actors looking to use those MSPs for downstream access, similar to the tsunami of Kaseya attacks that businesses faced in 2021.
ConnectWise Bugs Get CVEs

ConnectWise disclosed the bugs on Monday with no CVEs, after which proof-of-concept (PoC) exploits quickly appeared. On Tuesday, ConnectWise warned that the bugs were under active cyberattack. By Wednesday, multiple researchers were reporting snowballing cyber activity.

The vulnerabilities now have tracking CVEs. One of them is a max-severity authentication bypass (CVE-2024-1709, CVSS 10), which allows an attacker with network access to the management interface to create a new, administrator-level account on affected devices. It can be paired with a second bug, a path-traversal issue (CVE-2024-1708, CVSS 8.4) that allows unauthorized file access.
Initial Access Brokers Ramp Up Activity

According to the Shadowserver Foundation, there are at least 8,200 vulnerable instances of the platform exposed to the Internet within its telemetry, with the majority of them located in the US.

“CVE-2024-1709 is widely exploited in the wild: 643 IPs seen attacking to date by our sensors,” it said in a LinkedIn post.

Huntress researchers said a source within the US intelligence community told them that initial access brokers (IABs) have started pouncing on the bugs to set up shop inside various endpoints, with the intent of selling that access to ransomware groups.

And indeed, on one instance, Huntress observed cyberattackers using the security vulnerabilities to deploy ransomware to a local government, including endpoints likely linked to 911 systems.

“The sheer prevalence of this software and the access afforded by this vulnerability signals we are on the cusp of a ransomware free-for-all,” Hanslovan said. “Hospitals, critical infrastructure, and state institutions are proven at risk.”

He added: “And once they start pushing their data encryptors, I’d be willing to bet 90% of preventative security software won’t catch it because it’s coming from a trusted source.”

Bitdefender researchers, meanwhile, corroborated the activity, noting that threat actors are using malicious extensions to deploy a downloader capable of installing additional malware on compromised machines.

“We’ve noticed several instances of potential attacks leveraging the extensions folder of ScreenConnect, [while security tooling] suggests the presence of a downloader based on the certutil.exe built-in tool,” according to a Bitdefender blog post on the ConnectWise cyber activity. “Threat actors commonly employ this tool … to initiate the download of additional malicious payloads onto the victim’s system.”

The US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has added the bugs to its Known Exploited Vulnerabilities catalog.
Mitigation for CVE-2024-1709, CVE-2024-1708

On-premises versions up to and including 23.9.7 are vulnerable — so the best protection is identifying all systems where ConnectWise ScreenConnect is deployed and applying the patches, issued with ScreenConnect version 23.9.8.

Organizations should also keep a lookout for indicators of compromise (IoCs) listed by ConnectWise in its advisory. Bitdefender researchers advocate monitoring the “C:\Program Files (x86)\ScreenConnect\App_Extensions\” folder; Bitdefender flagged that any suspicious .ashx and .aspx files stored directly in the root of that folder may indicate unauthorized code execution.

Also, there could be good news on the horizon: “ConnectWise stated they revoked licenses for unpatched servers, and while it’s unclear on our end how this works, it appears this vulnerability is still a major concern for anyone running a vulnerable version or who did not patch swiftly,” Bitdefender researchers added. “This is not to say ConnectWise’s actions aren’t working, we’re unsure of how this played out at this time.”

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Roy Miehe | MspPortal Partners Inc. | Ceo/President
Security Software Distributor: Bitdefender , Barracuda, Phishline Training
“Where Service and Technical Skills Count”

Bitdefender Changes Scanning Techniques

This can be good or Bad..depends on how you look at it

I mange thousand of endpoints of Bitdefender

So i have been running the new changes for about a week ( I am satisfied so far)

Bitdefender is a policy based platform

In this point, there are several things to do:
1. Remove the scan archive from the Quick scans because these are designed to scan some resources fast.
2. Add the scan archives in the Full scan profile if not already done so it can be inherited and the report be populated as desired.
3) With all this, a malware located in an archive doesn’t pose a threat because when resources from the archive are accessed or unpacked they will be scanned and detected by the on access real time protection.

Read this link ( updates coming and some answers also

LAST IF YOU ARE NOT USING 2FA PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO SETUP IT IS NOT HARD. personally  I use a high end 2FA program for all sites and I use it from one computer only. I do not use  cell phones to log in, the program that I use allows it.. security is a utmost concern to me in protecting myself and my partners

If you have questions and you are a MspPortal Partner feel free to contact me

Roy Miehe | MspPortal Partners Inc. | Ceo/President

Security Software Distributor: Bitdefender , Barracuda, Phish Line Training

“Where Service and Technical Skills Count”